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1. Authentication

The #1 requirement is that the domain name you use for sending must be authenticated. This simply means the receiving mailbox must be able to confirm the email is coming from you and not from someone else pretending to be you.

The 3 methods used are SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. (They are explained below). While mailbox providers allow normal senders to have at least SPF or DKIM set up, we recommend you set up the three. We explain how as well, but first, let us verify your domain.

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What is Sender Policy Framework (SPF)?

SPF is an authentication method that uses DNS TXT records to confirm the email is coming from a source that has been authorized. For example, if I send an email from using the Mailgun API, the receiving server can use SPF to confirm I have whitelisted Mailgun as a service that can send emails on behalf of mailready.

As part of the set up process when you want to use your custom domain with most email tools and services, you will be provided with the DNS TXT record to authorize the service as a sender. So you are likely to have configured this already. If you are not sure, perform the check above.

What is DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)?

This method uses a pair of cryptographic keys (think of this as a set of special codes) for authentication. One of the keys, the public key, will be published as a DNS record on your domain. The other, the private key, is securely stored by the sending mail server and will be used to create a signature that is included in any outgoing emails. The receiving mail server can then get the public key and use that to verify the signature to confirm it is coming from the right source and it has not been modified in transit.

Like SPF, your choice email tool or service will provide the public key as a form of DNS TXT records you should add. If you are not sure you have it set up, perform the check above.

What is Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC)?

DMARC is based on SPF and DKIM. It uses DNS TXT record to specify what an email receiver should do when an email does not pass SPF or DKIM.

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